Overall just a fantastic weapon that does require some skill, u cant exactly run into a room full of enemies an expect to come out unscathed but ive got amany triple kills with this so it is possible if u set yourself up right. Ive maxed out this gun at W元1 an got like 2000+ kills with it an can say without doubt it can hold its own.btw its a 1hit kill to neck/head at close-mid range and a two hit anywhere else up to long range, then it may take 3 if none are upperbody hits. Just because its in the sniper category doesnt mean its a true-sniper which the RSASS is not as its max effective range is 800meters* which many battle rifles can pretty much compete with. I rock it with ACOG an Silencer cause i dont like traditional sniping(hate full scopes) an instead use it to spray mid range(hip fire close range), an anyone saying that using it like that is a 'no lifer' is clearly ignorant and a tool. Leviathan925 is my PS3 gamertag def hit me up id love to do some private matches. I main the RSASS, i love this gun, hands down fav of all! I too love fast firing semi-auto rifles an this gun does not disappoint.