Guide and Walkthrough (PS3) by Bkstunt31 v.2.50 2014 1412KB.Most Recommended.

Guide and Walkthrough by noz3r0 v.Final 2012 999KB.Most Recommended.FAQ of the Month Winner: November 2011.

Return to the Clockwork City in this sequel to Sotha Sil Expanded, with a DLC-sized amount of content, and new locations unlike any you've seen in Skyrim. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Workshop Trainwiz's Workshop The Wheels of Lull Discussions This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Collect the items on the Find List, including the CHAIN (1), DULL SAW BLADE (2), and GEAR (3). Zoom in on the Hidden Object Scene on the left. First, though, go up the Logging Road (G).

You end up imprisoned and have to run around defenseless through a gauntlet of invincible enemies through various passages that lead to unpredictable spots in the cell to try and find a clue before escaping and finding your gear. Things I hated about Wheels of Lull Whitehorn Pass: The scenario is frustrating.