You can build, capture or destroy great cities raise and command renowned armies govern, nurture or enslave vast populations make allies and enemies fight battles and wars on land and sea against all enemies that dare oppose you and use politics, cunning and the assassin’s blade to strike down your most dangerous rivals. Total War: ATTILA combines epic real-time battles with grand empire building. This is a world of politics, intrigue and betrayal, a time of sweeping change, a time when life is transformed by the migration of entire peoples and ravaged by nomadic warriors from the steppes.

In an ancient world shaped by legendary figures, you must make your mark. In Total War: ATTILA, you can choose to command Rome and restore her greatness once more, or fight in bitter defiance of all her works! They have come to conquer and kill, and tear Rome’s great Empire apart. The Huns: brutal nomadic raiders from the steppes of central Asia.

Be prepared for the apocalypse and arm yourself with knowledge! Whether you’re new to Total War or a veteran campaigner, there are many new features that might take you by surprise. Many Total War features and mechanics have changed since ROME II, so if you’re eagerly awaiting the release of Total War: ATTILA next Tuesday, you might find this introductory Game Guide helpful. To download this guide as a PDF, please see the attachement at the bottom of this post. Enjoy, and see you on the battlefield on February 17th! With Total War: ATTILA just around the corner, we've pulled together a game guide to help you start planning your conquests.